About Us

About Us

Lead to Paint is an organization that seeks to join the ranks of the hard working, hard fighting initiatives already in the trenches of Baltimore that are truly doing whatever possible to stem the tragic tide of violent disregard flooding the city. To be recognized as an organization that gets things done is an honorable goal we are hoping to reach. However, this rather lofty pinnacle cannot be reached without the support of the community of individuals that share a stake in the improvement of a society on the skids.

Gun violence in Baltimore is by and large the foundation of fear that holds a substantial grip on the city. This fear spills over into the community of bystanders that also share our city. Ultimately this is very unfair to city inhabitants that just want a quiet and calm life and it must stop. Many armchair professors and philosophers come up with theoretical treatments for this crisis that on paper sound compelling however, seldom if ever are either tested or put into practice. Lead to Paint is no exception and is rooted in armchair philosophy however, Lead to Paint is philosophy in practice on the street!

A holistic approach is the obvious, perhaps only way to get the city on the right track. Enough cannot be said about what ought to be done however, the community cannot be improved with what should be done, it can only be improved by what is being done. Getting things “done” is becoming an ever- hollower term regarding governments their agencies, departments, and officials. “Getting things done” has been reduced to a mere campaign slogan. Baltimore city really, really needs to get things done.

Our Mission 

We are determined to do everything possible to reduce gun violence on the streets of Baltimore. Our mission is cultural renovation. By creating a new outlook of exciting revitalization, we hope to generate the kind of enthusiasm that is required for such an undertaking. Quite simply by fomenting a spiritual revolution this, along with many other lofty, almost impossible initiatives for our city and its dwellers can be realized. However, it cannot be stressed enough that “all hands-on deck” is even an understatement—this means everyone. And this my friends, is going to be the secret to OUR success—everyone plays a part. Join in!

Our Testimonials

“The city is in danger of becoming a ghost town—something needs to be done”

Mike B.


“I really think this lead to paint concept has serious potential”

Dennis I.


Our Partners

Lehnhoff’s Design & Supply